Regional Museum Academy-2019
Museum exhibition and educational strategies
16-17 September 2019
Mogilev, Cultural institution "Museum of the history of the city of Mogilev".
The fourth, final Belarusian training program "Museum Communication" within the framework of the Regional Museum Academy-2019, was held in Mogilev on the basis of two leading museums: the Museum of the history of the city of Mogilev and the Museum of Ethnography, a branch of the Mogilev Regional Museum of Local Lore. E.R. Romanova.
For Belarusian listeners from the regions, the presentation of the new concept of the regional museum was especially interesting, which was prepared by the referent Stefan Schumann on the example of the transformation of the museum of the Beskov Castle and its exposition in the regional museum of the Oder-Spree region, followed by discussion and analysis both in small groups and the whole community .
The keynote speech of the second speaker, Karolina Savchik, was titled "Building the Educational and Mediation Work of the Museum on the Example of the German-Russian Museum "Berlin-Karlshorst" - Needs, Activities, Actors, Problems".
Foto © Goethe-Institut / Galina Chitrikowa
The rest of the training seminar was devoted to intensive workshops and engaging participants in participatory communication formats based on the results of the classes.
An example of independent tasks was the research trips of trainees with a camera around the museum exposition to study the topic “Communication between the museum and the visitor through the object” and subsequent work in groups.
More photos of the event.
Foto © Goethe-Institut / Galina Chitrikowa