Yazep Drozdovich. "Academy". From the series "Life on Mars". 1932. Fragment. Paper on cardboard, watercolor, ink, feather.
14 February 2020
100 years of the creative association “UNOVIS”
It has been 100 years since the creation of the "UNOVIS" creative association in Vitebsk, which was organized by teachers and students of the Vitebsk Folk Art School and became one of the starting points of innovative art trends of the 20th century. This is the final day of the International Scientific and Practical Conference organized by the Vitebsk Center for Contemporary Art.
To participate in the conference and discuss the influence of "UNOVIS" on the world art culture of the 20th century, researchers and specialists working in the field of theory and history of the avant-garde came to Vitebsk and Minsk: art historians, artists, representatives of museums and publishing houses and, of course, members of ICOM Belarus.
30 January 2020
ICOM Belarus digest-30.12.2020
A working meeting of members and friends of the Belarusian Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) "The Man and the Museum. ICOM Belarus Digest" was held. This was the first meeting in the new year 2020 after the reporting and election conference, which took place on December 12, 2019.
In the program of the meeting:
- Issues for discussion that arose in the process of working on a new version of the CHARTER of ICOM Belarus.
- Message about how the project "Man and Museum: ICOM Belarus Digest" will work in 2020 - initiatives and plans.
- Information about opportunities for members of ICOM Belarus to expand international contacts and cooperation.
- Continuation of acquaintance with the International Committees of ICOM: presentation of ICME (International Committee of Ethnographic Museums and Collections).
- Messages, news, suggestions from colleagues.
The meeting took place at the address: Minsk, Dzerzhinsky Ave., 57, floor 9 (metro station "Mikhalovo").
16 April 2019
Acceptance of applications for participation in the project “Museum Academy – 2019”
The acceptance of applications for participation in the project "Museum Academy - 2019", which is organized by the Belarusian Committee of the International Council of Museums "ISOM" together with the Foundation "Cultural Heritage and Modernity", Tradicia History Service, Berlin and the Goethe Institute in Minsk, with the financial support of the Ministry foreign affairs of Germany. The project is aimed primarily at regional museums.
12 April 2019
International scientific and practical conference «Museums in the XXI century: NEW MEANINGS, NEW SPACE, NEW IMAGES»
On April 9-10, 2019, in Minsk, at the National Library of Belarus (116 Nezavisimosti Ave.), the International scientific and practical conference “Museums in the 21st century: NEW MEANINGS, NEW SPACE, NEW IMAGES” was held. ICOM Belarus acted as a co-organizer of the conference.
The conference was held by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus in cooperation with the Yanka Kupala State Literary Museum, the National Historical Museum of the Republic of Belarus, the National Library of Belarus, the Cultural Heritage and Modernity Foundation (Belarus), the Belarusian Committee of the International Council of Museums "ICOM", the Republican Board of Directors of Museums under financial support from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, the State Literary Museum of Yanka Kupala and JTI in Belarus.
The conference was attended by museum specialists, as well as researchers in the field of museology and cultural heritage from Belarus, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Georgia, Poland, and the USA.
The conference is aimed at solving practical issues of improving, developing and effectively implementing the management of museums and museum collections in the context of rapid social transformations and transformations, as well as searching for new types of communication and dialogue that museums should generate in the 21st century.
Photo - Viktor Ivanchikov.
The main topics of the conference:
- The activities of museums in the context of global problems of our time.
- Interaction of museums with local communities.
- Improving the standards of professional museum activity.
- Integration of museums into the digital economy.
- Collaboration, partnership, advocacy in the modern museum space.
The working languages of the conference are Belarusian, Russian and English.
…4 December 2018
Another meeting
A regular meeting of current, former and potential members of ICOM Belarus took place within the framework of the program "Man and Museum: ICOM Belarus Digest", carried out jointly with the TUT.BY Gallery. At the meeting, topical issues were considered in accordance with the meeting plan.
26 November 2018
Working meeting in Tbilisi
Tbilisi hosted a working meeting between ICOM Belarus Executive Committee member Viktor Ivanchikov and Director General of the National Museum of Georgia David Lordkipanidze. During the meeting, issues of the development of museum business in the Republic of Belarus and Georgia were discussed.
In the photo (from left to right): Viktor Ivanchikov, member of the executive committee of ICOM Belarus, David Lordkipanidze, general director of the National Museum of Georgia.
17 August 2018
Signing an agreement with ICOM Latvia
In Riga, at the Military Museum of Latvia (Latvijas Kara muzejs), an agreement on long-term cooperation between ICOM Belarus and ICOM Latvia was signed.
In the photo - the moment of signing the agreement.
From left to right: Tatyana Bembel, Chair of ICOM Belarus, Juris Tsyganovs, President of ICOM Latvia, Alina Strelkovskaya, Secretary of ICOM Belarus.