
Yazep Drozdovich. "Academy". From the series "Life on Mars". 1932. Fragment. Paper on cardboard, watercolor, ink, feather.

ICOM Belarus

ICOM Belarus – public association “Belarusian Committee of the International Council of Museums ‘ICOM'”, created on the basis of a free association of museum workers of Belarus and carrying out its activities in accordance with the current Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Public Associations” and the Code of Professional Ethics of the International Council of Museums “ICOM”.

The main goals and objectives of ICOM Belarus are to promote the further development of national museum activities, a more complete and profound understanding by the Belarusian people of national and world cultural achievements, as well as the development of international cultural and humanitarian ties.

ICOM Belarus operates using the following methods:

  • cooperates with national and international organizations that have relations with museums and museum professions, as well as with national committees of the International Council of Museums “ICOM” in other countries
  • provides assistance to Belarusian museums with necessary information and consultations on museum activities
  • represents the interests of its members at the headquarters of the International Council of Museums “ICOM”
  • organizes and participates in conferences, congresses and meetings on issues of museum activities and culture
  • promotes the achievements of the national historical and cultural heritage in the Republic of Belarus and beyond its borders.

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