The second two-day training seminar of the Regional Museum Academy-2019 was held in Polotsk, at the Museum of Belarusian Printing.
The main topic "Museum Marketing and Communication" was presented to the audience from the theoretical and practical sides by the lecturer Dr. Kathrin Hicke (Germany). The introduction to the topic of the seminar with the help of interactive tasks prepared the audience for the voluminous lecture "Strategic Marketing", generally strengthening their theoretical base for further workshops.
Training 1 following the lecture and summarizing its results in the form of a discussion was a good methodological exercise not only for the main group, but also for the museum workers from Polochchina who joined it.
The second lecture "Operational Marketing" continued the alternation of theory-practice, theory-practice and led the audience to training 2. After the third lecture of the day called "Museum and Tourism" and the already habitually expected training, the day ended with an excursion to St. Sophia Cathedral, which was conducted by the director Museum Tamara Dzhumantayeva and a member of the group Slavina Gavrilova, as well as an organ concert performed by Ksenia Pogorelaya.
The second day was entirely devoted to the study of the topic "Cooperation and network structures" followed by a discussion, after which the training seminar ended with an excursion to the Spaso-Evfrosinevsky Monastery, with a detailed inspection and commentary on the restoration work.